Kurz|školení Oracle ADO.NET XML Visual Studio 2015

  • Kurz|školení Oracle ADO.NET XML Visual Studio 2015 ukáže možnosti ADO.NET a XML pro Oracle Database, používá se v Visual Studio 2015

  • How a REF Cursor is obtained as an OracleDataReader
  • How a REF Cursor is obtained as an OracleDataReader through the use of an OracleRefCursor object.
  • How multiple REF Cursors can be accessed by a single OracleDataReader
  • How a DataSet can be populated from a REF Cursor.
  • How a REF Cursor can be updated.
  • How a DataSet can be populated from an OracleRefCursor object.
  • How to populate a DataSet with multiple REF Cursors selectively
  • How to selectively obtain OracleDataReader objects from the REF Cursors
  • How the data retrieved in a Data Set populated using REF CURSORs is updated through ODP.NET.
  • Distributed Transaction
  • Savepoints.
  • How an populate and obtain LOB data from a DataSet.
  • how an OracleClob object is obtained as an output parameter of an anonymous PL/SQL block.
  • How an OracleClob object is obtained from an output parameter of a stored procedure.
  • How the LOB column data can be read as a .NET type by utilizing stream reads.
  • How to bind an OracleClob object as a parameter. This sample also refetches the newly updated CLOB data using an OracleDataReader and an OracleClob object.
  • How to LOB updates using row-level locking
  • How to LOB updates using result set locking.
  • Accessing BFILEs through ODP.NET.
  • How LOBs can be updated using ODP.NET LOB objects.
  • Array binding.
  • PL/SQL Associative Array binding.
  • How to use the OracleXmlQueryProperties class. Using the OracleXmlSaveProperties class is similar.
  • How to retrieve relational data as an XML document.
  • How to save changes to relational data using an XML document.
  • Properties and methods of OracleXmlStream
  • How to bind OracleXmlType as input parameter
  • Properties and methods of OracleXmlType
  • How to populate and obtain XMLType data from a DataSet.
  • How to get XMLType column as Oracle Type or .NET type
  • Usage of OracleXmlType class to retrieve native XML
  • Properties and methods of OracleXmlType for schema based XML data.