How a REF Cursor is obtained as an OracleDataReader
How a REF Cursor is obtained as an
OracleDataReader through the use of an OracleRefCursor object.
How multiple REF Cursors can be accessed
by a single OracleDataReader
How a DataSet can be populated from a REF Cursor.
How a REF Cursor can be updated.
How a DataSet can be populated from an OracleRefCursor object.
How to populate a DataSet with multiple REF Cursors selectively
How to selectively obtain OracleDataReader objects from the REF Cursors
How the data retrieved in a Data Set populated using REF CURSORs is updated through ODP.NET.
Distributed Transaction
How an populate and obtain LOB data
from a DataSet.
how an OracleClob object is obtained
as an output parameter of an anonymous PL/SQL block.
How an OracleClob object is obtained
from an output parameter of a stored procedure.
How the LOB column data can be
read as a .NET type by utilizing stream reads.
How to bind an OracleClob object
as a parameter. This sample also refetches the newly
updated CLOB data using an OracleDataReader and an
OracleClob object.
How to LOB updates using row-level locking
How to LOB updates using result set locking.
Accessing BFILEs through ODP.NET.
How LOBs can be updated using ODP.NET LOB objects.
Array binding.
PL/SQL Associative Array binding.
How to use the OracleXmlQueryProperties class.
Using the OracleXmlSaveProperties class is similar.
How to retrieve relational data as an
XML document.
How to save changes to relational data
using an XML document.
Properties and methods of OracleXmlStream
How to bind OracleXmlType as input parameter
Properties and methods of OracleXmlType
How to populate and obtain XMLType data
from a DataSet.
How to get XMLType column as Oracle Type or
.NET type
Usage of OracleXmlType class to retrieve native XML
Properties and methods of OracleXmlType for schema based XML data.